1. 现象陈述:
There is a growing national awareness oftheissue of …(主题词)
2. 观点陈述:
When it comes to … (主题词), viewsmightvary from person to person.
3. 话题陈述:
… has aroused a heated discussion among the public.
4. 引出谚语
众所周知… It isuniversally acknowledged that …
人们常常说“…” . 讽刺的是,说的简单做的难。
People often say , “…” Ironically, it iseasier said thandone.
5. 图画描述
As is vividly shown in the picture, infrontof us + v. (谓语) + n. (核心事物),doing sth..
6. 图表描述
As is clearly indicated in the chart, wecansee that the number of n.(主题词)+ v. (变化) + adv. (程度)+ from … to …(时间范围)。
7. 各方观点 = 正方观点 + 反方观点 + 反方理由
Admittedly, a minority of people mightholdthe view that …. Yet, others might hold the other side of this picture. Foronething, … For another …
8. 缘故后果
缘故:A large number of factors can account for this, but thefollowingmight be the critical ones. Firstly, … Secondly,…
后果:so , as a result, consequently …
If we keep turning a blind eye to it, theproblem mentionedabove will give rise to a series of severe consequences.
9. 个人观点
(简要言之)在我看来, Inmy eyes, In my mind, As far as I can see,
Considering every aspect of thisphenomenon, I, as most ofothers will do, safely draw a conclusion that …
Weighing the pros and cons of thesearguments, I aminclined to agree with the idea that …
10. 建议措施
Therefore, we should take advantage of thefruits and avoidthe opposite facet.
It is essential that laws and regulationsshould be workedout and enforced to do sth.
The public should take practical actions todo sth. .
11. 憧憬未来
Only in this way can we do sth.
12. 写信目的
I am writing this letter in purpose ofdoingthis.
13. 信件二段总起句:
The concerning details are as follows.
14. 表示感谢
My thanks to you are beyond words.
15. 期待回信
I am looking forward to hearing from yousoon.
16. 保持联系
Feel free to contact us if you haveanyquestion.
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